The Ocean Cleanup
I don't know if anyone else watched 'The Blue Planet II' last night but the part about the whale calf was, I thought, absolutely heart breaking. David Attenborough said that it had probably died due to the toxic particles its mother could have ingested and fed to the calf in its milk.
The Ocean Cleanup project was founded in 2013 by Dutch inventor Boyan Slat when he was only 18. It is a non-profit organisation that are developing advanced technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic.
At the moment, plastic pollution in the world's oceans is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time, impacting more than 600 marine species.
Hopefully, we will not have to wait until this bioaccumulation affects humans to take action.
Now I know this is perhaps more macabre and melancholy that the norm, but The Ocean Cleanup really are doing amazing things. They have estimated that in just 5 years time, 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch will have been removed, brought back to shore for recycling and sold to companies.
So, maybe we should all just think a little more when we go shopping. Do you really need that plastic bag? Do you need to buy another bottle of water or could you have brought your own from home? Just little things hopefully, if we all do, can make a difference and help preserve our incredible oceans and their wonderful species.